
Magnetic Marble Knife Holder | White

Introducing the eye catching Magnetic Marble Knife Holder in White suitable to store up to 8 knives. Therefore compatible with our own chef knife sets.

Showcase your kitchen by making any chef knife set the focal point with our Magnetic Knife Holder. Beautifully crafted by the best sourced marble material producing the Magnetic Knife Holder. Making the Magnetic Knife Holder is not only eye catching, but robust and sturdy on any kitchen worktop.

We have also designed hidden magnets providing an ultra stronghold to safely store each knife. Effortlessly  place your selected knife on the holder and our powerful strong magnets will do the rest.

We strongly recommend to look after your expensive chef knife sets with our magnetic knife holder. No more packed drawers or timely knife roll holders. Storing your knife set on our magnetic knife holder increases the life span of the knives, and less likely to encounter scratches or damage.

Here at Edwards King of Smoke take quality seriously with our products. The knife holder is weighted at 5kg reflective of its premium sourced marble material. Complete your Kitchen with our knife holder and let you’re friends marvel in your completed knife set and holder showpiece!

See our Chef Knife Sets here to complement the Magnetic Knife Holder in white

